Monday, May 30, 2022

Patola Quilt - Saree Series #2

This is the second in my series of quilts inspired by sarees. 

This pattern is based on a type of saree called Patan Patola. Patan is the name of the place where the Patola saree is woven. The pattern is called 'Phool Bhat' meaning 'Flower Pattern'. It is a double ikat weave. This means the number of warp and the weft yarn are precisely calculated and dyed before weaving to form the pattern. The pattern itself is over 900 years old and the weaving is done on a primitive harness loom that lies in a slant where the left side is lower than the right side. The process has been closely guarded by the families in Patan being passed down only to the male heirs from generation to generation. Over time due to lack of patronage and weavers leaving for more lucrative job opportunities, this skill has been lost and today it's continuance rests in the hands of only one 'Salvi' family with a sole male heir. A lot riding on his little shoulders.

The dyeing process in the making of a Patan Patola is what is proprietary. It is believed the cloth will wear before the dye fades. The yarn is dyed with natural dyes producing absolutely brilliant and luminescent color. It is also known as the 'fabric of the gods'. The feel of a Patan Patola is like no other fabric.

Due to the extremely laborious process of making a Patan Patola, it is really expensive to own a double ikat Patan Patola. It would truly be a purchase of a lifetime. I believe there is also a waiting list you need to get on before a saree would be woven for you.

All is not lost though. The government has taken steps to preserve this weaving tradition and given permits to other families of weavers to weave Patola sarees. The sarees produced by these weavers use the same loom techniques and are as good however they are not dyed with natural dyes. This gives them a little more leeway in color choices and are not bound to the traditional colors. Here is a picture of one in my trousseau. The photo does not do it justice. It is absolutely iridescent in light and glimmers without any gold.

Unlike the saree that is made with pure silk, the quilt itself is made with Kona cotton fabric in
  • Forest
  • Peridot
  • Clover
  • Peach
  • Snow 
The quilting has been beautifully done by Jana Royal in gold colored thread. 

It measures 82" x 82" in size and has faced binding.


  1. This is so lovely, Rachel! I appreciated hearing the back-story!

  2. What a beautiful quilt! Love your background on the inspriation and the series. And I hope they manage to continue the tradition. xo


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